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Monkey World ist das größte Primatenrettungszentrum der Welt!
Monkey World, das international anerkannte Rettungszentrum, wurde 1987 eröffnet, um neun missbrauchten spanischen Strandschimpansen ein Zuhause zu bieten. Jetzt leben hier über 250 Primaten von mehr als 20 verschiedenen Arten, darunter die einzige Orang-Utan-Gärtnerei Europas !. Viele wurden vernachlässigt, unter unnatürlichen Bedingungen gehalten oder erlebten unglaubliche Grausamkeiten. Bei Monkey World können alle in einer sicheren und natürlichen Umgebung ihre eigene Gesellschaft genießen, und einige von ihnen nehmen sogar an internationalen Zuchtprogrammen für gefährdete Arten teil.
Die halbstündigen Tierpflegergespräche im Park, die Spaß mit Naturschutz verbinden, erklären alles über den nächsten lebenden Verwandten des Menschen. Besucher können die Stars von "Monkey Life" und "Monkey Around" im größten Spielbereich des Südens für Menschenaffen sehen. Im Park gibt es mehrere gastronomische Einrichtungen. Besucher können auch gerne ein Picknick mitbringen und in der wunderschönen Umgebung zu Mittag essen.
The team at Monkey World are dedicated to making sure that every one of our guests has a memorable experience with us and have an enjoyable time. Mobility scooters are available to hire with just a £10 refundable cash deposit and there are a number of benches located at intervals along the path which guests are welcome to use, there is no rush when enjoying Monkey World, you are welcome to go at your own pace around all our exhibits. Access to the entrance is level and the large car park features designated disabled parking bays for Blue Badge holders which is located to the right of the entrance gate. Parking is free for all our guests.
To make sure everyone enjoys their day at Monkey World, a range of sensory statues can be found around the park to provide a more immersive experience when at the various exhibitions, the talks provided by keepers are also available in a printed format, so be sure to ask if you would like one.
There are cafés serving a selection of hot and cold food and drink, or you can bring along a picnic to enjoy in the beautiful woodland setting. There are two blocks of disabled access toilets, and the First Aid Hut is also suitable for adults who need additional changing areas. All of our eateries are able to cater for visitors with special dietary requirements, in addition to the children’s menu, there are also gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, nut free, vegan and vegetarian options.
Once you’ve seen the stars of TV’s Monkey Life and explored the various exhibits teaching you about a range of primates, your own little monkeys can let off some steam in the Great Ape Play Area, the south’s largest adventure playground. The play area has a number of wheelchair swings installed to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy their day at the park.
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